Decyphering IP Packets:


By Golden_Eternity
June 13, 2001  

DNS Lookup

The connection is a web request, but it starts with a UDP request to the DNS server for the IP of UDP is connectionless, so you won't see any Syn or Ack flags; there's no connection negotiation, just a request and a reply.

The DNS message format is explained in depth in RFC 1035, Section 4.


The client ( sends a request to the DNS server (

18:02:47.500000 > [udp sum ok] 24415+ A? [|domain] (DF) (ttl 64, id 55712, len 63)

0x0000  4500  003f  d9a0  4000  4011  4d0b  0a00  0002   E..?..@[email protected].....
0x0010  0a00  0001  0408  0035  002b  e71a  5f5f  0100   .......5.+..__..
0x0020  0001  0000  0000  0000  0377  7777  0962  686f   .........www.bho
0x0030  6469  736f  6674  0363  6f6d  0000  0100  01

IP Layer 

Header -

0x0000  4500  003f  d9a0  4000  4011  4d0b  0a00  0002 
0x0010  0a00  0001 

45 - IP Version / Header Lenth (IPv4, 5)
00 003f - Length (63)
d9a0 - Fragment ID (55712)
40 - IP Flags (Do not Fragment, Last Fragment)
00 - Fragment Offset (0)
40 - Time To Live (64)
11 - IP Protocol Type (17/UDP)
4d0b - IP Checksum (19723)
0a00 0002 - Source IP Address (
0a00 0001 - Destination IP Address (

UDP Layer ( IP Data )

Header -

0x0010              0408  0035  002b  e71a  5f5f  0100 
0x0020  0001  0000  0000  0000  0377  7777  0962  686f 
0x0030  6469  736f  6674  0363  6f6d  0000  0100  01   

0408 - Source Port (1032)
0035 - Destination Port (53)

002b - UDP Message Length (43 bytes)
e71a - UDP Checksum (59162)

Data -

DNS Header -

0x0010              0408  0035  002b  e71a  5f5f  0100 
0x0020  0001  0000  0000  0000  0377  7777  0962  686f 
0x0030  6469  736f  6674  0363  6f6d  0000  0100  01   

5f5f - ID (24415)

The following 16 bits are used to hold a lot of information.

0100 - QR, Opcode, AA, TC, RD, RA, Z, RCODE

To better explain this, we'll examine the binary representation.

0 0000 0 0 1 0 000 0000

1 bit - QR - This field (bit) is 0 if the message is a query and 1 if its a response. This is a query.
4 bits - OpCode. Specifies the type of query. 0 shows this is a standard query.
1 bit - AA - Authoritative Answer. Valid in responses. Specifies that the responding name server is authoritative for the domain.
1 bit - TC - TrunCation. Specifies that the message was truncated. This message was not truncated.
1 bit - RD - Recursion Desired. Valid in the query, copied in the response. RD is set.
1 bit - RA - Recursion Available. Set or cleared in the response. Specifies whether recursive queries are supported on the server.
3 bits - Z - Reserved for future use.
4 bits - RCODE - Response Code. 

0001 - QDCOUNT - Specifies the number of entries in the question section. (1)
0000 - ANCOUNT - Specifies number of entries in the answer section. (0)
0000 - NSCOUNT - Specifies the number of name server resource records in the authority records section. (0)
0000 - ARCOUNT - Number of resource records in the additional records section. (0)

DNS Question - 


03 - Octet length (for www)
77 7777 - www
09 - Octet length (for bhodisoft)
62 686f 6469 736f 6674 - bhodisoft
03 - Octet length (for com)
63 6f6d - com
00 - Octet length (null, end of name)

00 01 - QTYPE - Specifies the type of query. This is a DNS "A" record query.
00 01 - QCLASS - Specifies the class of query. This is an internet (IN) class record.



The server responds with the info on

18:02:47.510000 > [udp sum ok] 24415 q: A? 2/0/0 CNAME, A (65) (ttl 64, id 64602, len 93)

0x0000  4500  005d  fc5a  0000  4011  6a33  0a00  0001  E..][email protected]....
0x0010  0a00  0002  0035  0408  0049  b2e4  5f5f  8180  .....5...I..__..
0x0020  0001  0002  0000  0000  0377  7777  0962  686f  .........www.bho
0x0030  6469  736f  6674  0363  6f6d  0000  0100  01c0
0x0040  0c00  0500  0100  0151  2400  02c0  10c0  1000  .......Q$.......
0x0050  0100  0100  0151  2400  04a1  3af3  f1    .....Q$...:..

IP Layer

Header - 

0x0000  4500  005d  fc5a  0000  4011  6a33  0a00  0001 
0x0010  0a00  0002 

45 - IP Version / Header Length (IPv4, 5)
00 005d - Length (93)
fc5a - Fragment ID (64602)
00 - IP Flags (Last Fragment)
00 - Fragment Offset (0)
40 - Time To Live (64)
11 - IP Protocol Type (17/UDP)
6a33 - IP Checksum (27187)
0a00 0001 - Source IP Address (
0a00 0002 - Destination IP Address (

UDP Layer ( IP Data )

Header -

0x0010  0035  0408  0049  b2e4  5f5f  8180 
0x0020  0001  0002  0000  0000  0377  7777  0962  686f 
0x0030  6469  736f  6674  0363  6f6d  0000  0100  01c0 
0x0040  0c00  0500  0100  0151  2400  02c0  10c0  1000 
0x0050  0100  0100  0151  2400  04a1  3af3  f1   

0035 - Source Port (53)
0408 - Destination Port (1032)

0049 - UDP Message Length (73 bytes)
b2e4 - UDP Checksum (45796)

Data - 

DNS Header -

0x0010  0035  0408  0049  b2e4  5f5f  8180 
0x0020  0001  0002  0000  0000  0377  7777  0962  686f 
0x0030  6469  736f  6674  0363  6f6d  0000  0100  01c0 
0x0040  0c00  0500  0100  0151  2400  02c0  10c0  1000 
0x0050  0100  0100  0151  2400  04a1  3af3  f1   

5f5f - ID (24415)

8180 - QR, Opcode, AA, TC, RD, RA, Z, RCODE

1 0000 0 0 1 1 000 0000

1 bit - QR - This field (bit) is 0 if the message is a query and 1 if its a response. This is a response.
4 bits - OpCode. Specifies the type of query. 0 shows this is a standard query.
1 bit - AA - Authoritative Answer. Specifies that the responding name server is authoritative for the domain.
1 bit - TC - TrunCation. Specifies that the message was truncated. This message was not truncated.
1 bit - RD - Recursion Desired. Valid in the query, copied in the response. RD is set.
1 bit - RA - Recursion Available. Specifies whether recursive queries are supported on the server. Recursion is available on the server.
3 bits - Z - Reserved for future use.
4 bits - RCODE - Response Code. 

0001 - QDCOUNT - Specifies the number of entries in the question section. (1)
0002 - ANCOUNT - Specifies number of entries in the answer section. (2)
0000 - NSCOUNT - Specifies the number of name server resource records in the authority records section. (0)
0000 - ARCOUNT - Number of resource records in the additional records section. (0)

DNS Question -

0377 7777 0962 686f 6469 736f 6674 0363 6f6d 00 - (See query)

DNS Answer -

We know from ANCOUNT that we'll be seeing two answers in this section. There will not be an authority or additional records section. I'm still a bit unclear on the name field and handling of multiple Resource Records, but this does seem to work.

00 01 - Answer 1
00 01c0 0c - Name. Compressed, Offset 12 bytes (
00 05 - Type (CNAME)
00 01 - Class (IN)
00 0151 24 - TTL
00 02 - Answer 2
c0 10c0 10 - Name. Compressed, Offset 16 bytes (
00 01 - Type (A)
00 01 - Class (IN)
00 0151 24 - TTL
00 04 - RDLENGTH

a1 3af3 f1 - RDATA. IP Address (

End DNS Lookup