Bob's Survey Page

Please answer the following questions honestly:

    Please enter your e-mail address, or name:

  1. If you would like to be on the Bobist mailing list, click here.

  2. If you would like to be a fire engine, click here.

  3. Which of the following serves the least value to the society:
    A Politician.
    A Lawyer.
    A Philosopher.
    A Duck.

  4. Are you more likely to date a person who:
    Enjoys the food at Denny's.
    Occasionally writes poetry about slaughtering their relatives.
    Finds "Macarena" to be an emotionally powerful song, with far reaching philosophical concepts far beyond those commonly found in most popular music.

    Thanks go out to Star316 for suggesting that multiple answers be allowed on this question. Good idea!

  5. Are you:
    Female. If available, click here

  6. Do you think I'm pretty?
    I want you like I have wanted no other.
    Get over yourself, ya pansy!
    I just don't know. I'm feeling very vulnerable right now.

  7. How old are you?
    Under 18 years old.
    Between 19 and 29 years old.
    Between 29 and 50 years old.
    Between 50 and 99 years old.
    Between 99 and 1000 years old.
    More than 1000 years old.

  8. Would you be interested in contributing in some way to the Bobist missionaries?
    Yes, I would love to aid those who carry the word of the true Bob. Please contact me at the above e-mail address.
    No, I will do Bob's work in my own way.

  9. Which of the following questions would you like to appear on a future survey?
    Why did the chicken cross the road?
    Which of the following is your favorite book by a dead author?

  10. Sup wit da ho's?
    Nah much, brutha...
    I'm down wit OPP!
    I live in an apartment. I don't own a hose.

    Thanks for this insightful question go out to [email protected] . Answers are of my own design.

  11. What are your favorite sex toys?
    Chevy 240.
    A Partner.

    That odd one about the Chevy? It was suggested by NeuroLyger one of the original students of Bob.

  12. What is your favorite position?

  13. What is your favorite edible topping (Not including fruit)?
    Whipped Cream
    Hershey's Syrup
    Powdered Sugar
    Mountain Dew

  14. What is your favorite place to have sex?
    A bed.
    The Floor.
    A countertop, table, or other solid flat object for placing keys, wallets, dinner, etc. atop.
    Shower (If you can accomplish this, I am very impressed, and also a little doubtful).
    Jacuzzi or Pool.

  15. What is the first word that comes to mind when I say...

    Richard Nixon






  16. Is there anything you'd like to pass on to the author of these many confusing, heretical, sacrilegious, inspiring, wise documents? Anything you'd like to tell anyone (Your mother, Bill Clinton, Papa Smurf)? Here's your chance!!