Bhodi842's Philosophy Index

Political Essay -- Finished under duress. If I get some criticism, I may update it... (Hint, hint)

Descartes Essay -- An examination of Rene Descartes' First Meditation.

Descartes' Wax Analogy -- A continuation of Descartes' Wax Analogy.

Cartesian Circles -- A consideration of the possible solutions to the Cartesian Circle. The conflict between the Ontological Argument and the Clear and Distinct Perception argument.

Metaphysical Essay -- This was inspired, written, and published online in about half an hour, and as such was not all that great. I've taken it offline in order to totally rewrite it.

Coming "soon" are essays on Plato and Epicurus. As well as any other odd things I can come up with, or are placed in my brain by friends. Keep a look out.