Decyphering IP Packets:

TCP Handshake

By Golden_Eternity
June 16, 2001  

TCP Handshake 

When a TCP connection is established between the client and web server, they first need to negotiate the connection. This is done via a three-way hand shake. An initial message from the client (SYN), a response from the server (SYN/ACK), and a final message from the client (ACK). This process is used to establish parameters like what port numbers will be used and what synchronization numbers will be used by each side to ensure proper delivery of messages.


The SYN message takes its name from the TCP flag, Synchronize. 

18:02:47.540000 > S [tcp sum ok] 2024485176:2024485176(0) win 5840 <mss 1460,sackOK,timestamp 62577060 0,nop,wscale 0> (DF) (ttl 64, id 59548, len 60)

0x0000  4500  003c  e89c  4000  4006  b2f1  0a00  0002  E..<..@.@.......
0x0010  a13a  f3f1  0425  0050  78ab  3138  0000  0000  .:...%.Px.18....
0x0020  a002  16d0  0652  0000  0204  05b4  0402  080a  .....R..........
0x0030  03ba  d9a4  0000  0000  0103  0300  ............

IP Layer -

45 - IP Version / Header Length (IPv4, 5)
00 003c - Length (60)
e89c - Fragment ID (59548)
40 - IP Flags (Do Not Fragment, Last Fragment)
00 - Fragment Offset (0)
40 - Time To Live (64)
06 - IP Protocol Type (06/TCP)
b2f1 - IP Checksum (45809)
0a00 0002 - Source IP Address (
a13a f3f1 - Destination IP Address (

TCP Layer -

0x0010      0425  0050  78ab  3138  0000  0000  .:...%.Px.18....
0x0020  a002  16d0  0652  0000  0204  05b4  0402  080a  .....R..........
0x0030  03ba  d9a4  0000  0000  0103  0300  ............

0425 - Source Port (1061)
0050 - Destination Port (80)

78ab 3138 - Sequence Number (2024485176)
0000 0000 - Acknowledgement Number (0)

a - Data Offset (Header Length 10)
0 - Reserved 

02 - Control Bits, TCP Flags (SYN)

There are six control bits. If the bit is set (1), that means the flag is on. The bits are as follows:

Urgent Acknowledgement Push Reset Syn Fin 
Hex Value  20108421

16d0 - Window (5840)
0652 - Checksum (1618)
0000 - Urgent Pointer

TCP Options -

0204 - Options (Kind 2, Length 4 - Maximum Segment Size)

This option allows the sender to transmit the maximum segment size it can receive. This is only valid in the initial connection request (i.e., when SYN is set). Since this is set, the next two bytes will be the MSS.

05b4 - Maximum Segment Size (1460)

0402 - Options (Kind 4, Length 2 - Selective Acknowledgement Permitted) (See RFC 1072)
080a - Options (Kind 8, Length 10 - Timestamp) (See RFC 1323)
03ba d9a4 - Timestamp (62577060) (See RFC 1072)
0000 0000 0103 - Options (Kind 1, Length 3 - No Operation) (See RFC 793)
0300 - Options (Kind 3, Length 0 - Window Scale 0) (See RFC 1072)



As the second part of a three-way handshake, the server responds to the client. The message the server sends contains an acknowledgement of the original message's arrival, and its own synchronization numbers.

18:02:47.630000 > S [tcp sum ok] 1426552139:1426552139(0) ack 2024485177 win 17520 <mss 1460> (DF) (ttl 42, id 35144, len 44) 

0x0000  4500  002c  8948  4000  2a06  2856  a13a  f3f1  E..,.H@.*.(V.:..
0x0010  0a00  0002  0050  0425  5507  754b  78ab  3139  .....P.%U.uKx.19
0x0020  6012  4470  3bcc  0000  0204  05b4  `.Dp;....... 

IP Layer -

45 - IP Version / Header Length (IPv4, 5)
00 002c - Length (44)
8948 - Fragment ID (35144)
40 - IP Flags (Do Not Fragment, Last Fragment)
00 - Fragment Offset (0)
2a - Time To Live (42)
06 - IP Protocol Type (06/TCP)
2856 - IP Checksum (10326)
a13a f3f1 - Source IP Address (
0a00 0002 - Destination IP Address (

TCP Layer -

0050 - Source Port (80)
0425 - Destination Port (1061)

5507 754b - Sequence Number (1426552139)
78ab 3139 - Acknowledgement Number (2024485177) 

Note that the acknowledgement is 1 greater than the Sequence Number from the SYN packet, which was 2024485176. The server is acknowledging the arrival of the last message by stating its readiness to receive the next packet (...5177).

6 - Data Offset (Header Length 6)
0 - Reserved 

12 - Control Bits, TCP Flags (SYN, ACK)
4470 - Window (17520)
3bcc - Checksum (15308)
0000 - Urgent Pointer

TCP Options -

0204 - Options (Kind 2, Length 4 - Maximum Segment Size)

This option allows the sender to transmit the maximum segment size it can receive. This is only valid in the initial connection request (i.e., when SYN is set). Since this is set, the next two bytes will be the MSS.

05b4 - Maximum Segment Size (1460)



Finally, the client acknowledges the server's sequence number. This marks the end of the three-way handshake. The TCP connection is now open, and data can be transmitted by the respective applications.

18:02:47.630000 > . [tcp sum ok] 2024485177:2024485177(0) ack 1426552140 win 5840 (DF) (ttl 64, id 59549, len 40) 

0x0000  4500  0028  e89d  4000  4006  b304  0a00  0002  E..(..@.@.......
0x0010  a13a  f3f1  0425  0050  78ab  3139  5507  754c  .:...%.Px.19U.uL
0x0020  5010  16d0  8129  0000  0000  0000  0000  P....).......

IP Layer -

45 - IP Version / Header Length (IPv4, 5)
00 0028 - Length (40)
e89d - Fragment ID (59549)
40 - IP Flags (Do Not Fragment, Last Fragment)
00 - Fragment Offset (0)
40 - Time To Live (64)
06 - IP Protocol Type (06/TCP)
b304 - IP Checksum (45828)
0a00 0002 - Source IP Address (
a13a f3f1 - Destination IP Address (

TCP Layer -

0425 - Source Port (1061)
0050 - Destination Port (80)

78ab 3139 - Sequence Number (2024485177)
5507 754c - Acknowledgement Number (1426552140) 

Note that the Sequence Number is the same number that was acknowledged in the SYN/ACK packet. The acknowledgement had stated that the server was ready to receive the message with this Sequence Number.

Likewise, the acknowledgement in this message is 1 greater than the Sequence Number from the SYN/ACK packet, which was 1426552139. The server is acknowledging the arrival of the last message by stating its readiness to receive the next packet.

5 - Data Offset (Header Length 5)
0 - Reserved 

10 - Control Bits, TCP Flags (ACK)
16d0 - Window (5840)
8129 - Checksum (33065)
0000 - Urgent Pointer

TCP Options -

0000 0000 0000 - Options (End of Options List (i.e., Padding))

End TCP Handshake